Orthodontists can Use Other Tools with Braces for Complex Bite Problems

Braces utilize the mouth’s existing teeth-moving mechanism by applying pressure in the direction of the desired movement. This is done with a wire laced through metal brackets affixed to the outside of the teeth that’s then usually anchored to brackets on the back teeth to maintain constant tension. This anchorage set-up alone, however, may not […]
How to Reduce Tooth White Spots While Wearing Braces

When your braces finally come off, you’ll hopefully be astounded by what you see –once-crooked teeth replaced by a more attractive smile. But you might also see something you didn’t expect: noticeable white spots on some of your teeth. These spots called white spot lesions (WSLs) appear lighter than the surrounding tooth enamel due to mineral loss […]
A Little Orthodontic Magic Could Help an Impacted Tooth Erupt

Bite problems aren’t limited to teeth simply out of position. The problem could be some teeth aren’t there—visibly, that is. They still exist below the gums and bone, but they’ve been crowded out and blocked from erupting. We call this condition impaction. Any tooth can become impacted and affect the bite, but a person’s smile suffers […]
Lingual Braces Offer a Less Visible Alternative to Traditional Braces

We’re all familiar with tried and true traditional braces and perhaps with newer clear aligners for realigning teeth. But there’s an even more novel way that’s quickly becoming popular: lingual braces. This type of braces performs the same function as the traditional but in an opposite way. Rather than bonded to the front of the […]