Extracting Wisdom Teeth Now May Prevent Dental Problems Later
The reason for extracting a tooth may be all too obvious — the tooth is too decayed or damaged to attempt saving. The reason for extracting a wisdom tooth, on the other hand, may not be so apparent: from the perspective of pain or reduced function, you may not notice a thing. Our recommendation to […]
Focus on Prime Dental Health Risk Areas to Map Out Your Care Plan
Dental care is more than brushing and flossing every day, visiting the dentist at least twice a year and occasionally having a problem treated. To get the most out of your care, we need to consider the “big picture” of risk management: identifying where your oral health is most at risk and tailoring your treatment […]
Stop Gum Disease Before it Gets Started with Daily Oral Hygiene
While tooth decay seems to get most of the “media attention,” there’s another oral infection just as common and destructive: periodontal (gum) disease. In fact, nearly half of adults over 30 have some form of it. And like tooth decay, it begins with bacteria: while most are benign or even beneficial, a few strains of […]
We can Build up Lost Bone Before Your Implant
The “magic” behind a dental implant’s durability is the special affinity its imbedded titanium post has with bone. Over time bone grows and attaches to the titanium surface to produce a strong and secure hold. But there’s one important prerequisite for ultimate implant success—there must be an adequate amount of bone available initially to properly […]
Know What to Do – and When – in Case of a Dental Injury
“Don’t panic” is your first priority when faced with a sudden mouth injury. Of course, that may be easier said than done when you or a family member has just experienced a chipped, fractured or even dislodged tooth. It helps, therefore, to have some idea beforehand on what to do and, especially, when to do […]
Teens with Missing Teeth may need a Temporary Fix Until They’re Older
Dental implants are widely considered by both dentists and patients as the premier choice for replacing missing teeth. Unfortunately, implants aren’t the appropriate choice for teenagers with missing teeth. That’s because their jaws won’t fully finish most of their growth and development until early adulthood. An implant placed too early could become misaligned as the jaw matures. […]
Home Whitening Kits are Safe and Effective, if Used the Right Way
You’re satisfied with your smile appearance except for one thing — your teeth aren’t as white and bright as you wish they could be. So, you’ve decided to do something about their dull yellow color. You’re also thinking about buying a whitening product you can use yourself rather than a professional application. But you still […]