Not So Fast Replacing That Tooth – Consider Saving it First
Dental implants have soared in popularity thanks to their life-likeness, functionality and durability. But these prized qualities have also created an ironic downside—people are much more likely to replace a tooth with an implant rather than go through the time and effort to preserve it. We say downside because even though an implant is as close to a […]
Orthodontists can Use Other Tools with Braces for Complex Bite Problems
Braces utilize the mouth’s existing teeth-moving mechanism by applying pressure in the direction of the desired movement. This is done with a wire laced through metal brackets affixed to the outside of the teeth that’s then usually anchored to brackets on the back teeth to maintain constant tension. This anchorage set-up alone, however, may not […]
Treating Dry Mouth is Important for Maintaining Good Oral Health
Saliva is a true workhorse among bodily fluids — it breaks down food for digestion, keeps harmful bacteria in check and neutralizes acid that is destructive to tooth surfaces. So when saliva flow is chronically diminished, it’s more serious than the uncomfortable feeling of “dry mouth” — it can have a detrimental effect on your […]
3 Ways to Correct Missing Front Teeth
Roughly 75% of American adults are missing at least one tooth, mostly from disease, trauma or extraction for other dental reasons. A few missing teeth, though, never erupted in the first place. It’s a rare occurrence, but sometimes people are born without certain teeth, usually back molars or premolars that may not be as visible. […]
How to Reduce Tooth White Spots While Wearing Braces
When your braces finally come off, you’ll hopefully be astounded by what you see –once-crooked teeth replaced by a more attractive smile. But you might also see something you didn’t expect: noticeable white spots on some of your teeth. These spots called white spot lesions (WSLs) appear lighter than the surrounding tooth enamel due to mineral loss […]
A Little Orthodontic Magic Could Help an Impacted Tooth Erupt
Bite problems aren’t limited to teeth simply out of position. The problem could be some teeth aren’t there—visibly, that is. They still exist below the gums and bone, but they’ve been crowded out and blocked from erupting. We call this condition impaction. Any tooth can become impacted and affect the bite, but a person’s smile suffers […]
You May Need to Postpone an Upcoming Dental Visit if You Have Shingles
Chicken pox is a common viral infection that usually occurs during childhood. Although the disease symptoms only last a short time, the virus that caused it may remain, lying dormant for years within the body’s nervous system. Decades later it may reappear with a vengeance in a form known as herpes zoster, what most people know […]
Increase Bone Mass for Dental Implants through Grafting
Losing a tooth from disease or accident can be traumatic. The good news, though, is that it can be replaced with a life-like replica that restores your smile. One of the most popular and durable solutions is a dental implant, which replaces not only the root of the tooth but the crown as well. But […]
What to Do For Mouth Injuries Your Child Might Encounter
Famed educator Maria Montessori once said, “Play is the work of the child”—and most kids take their “work” very seriously. But their avid enthusiasm might also raise the risk of blunt force injuries, particularly to the mouth. While you should certainly take steps to protect their mouth (like a custom-made guard for contact sports), you […]
Tooth Type and Condition can Affect Root Canal Therapy Effectiveness
Root canal therapy is the unsung “hero” of dentistry. Although often falsely maligned as an unpleasant experience, millions of decayed teeth have been saved thanks to this routine treatment. But although root canal therapy can save your tooth, we can’t guarantee it won’t be affected by another infection. There are other factors to consider how […]